Sunday, July 31, 2011


I start my new shift at Target tomorrow. I will be working overnight for the next several weeks to help finsh the remodel at our store. I'm looking forward to it as I will have a hand in how the store will look when it is finished. The extra money will be nice too since I will be working almost 40 hours per week plus the shift differential.

I am a little concerned though because I have a few more weeks left for Speech class and then I have a few weeks off until the Fall semester starts. Thankfully, my new work schedule will not interfere with any of my classes but I wonder how I will adjust to having less time to work on my classes and take of the stuff around the house. I guess less tv-time than usual but at least I will always have my weekends off.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Wishing I could be at WDW

It has been almost 4 years since we have been to WDW and it feels like an eternity! Some people don't understand our obsession with Disney and I get that - you either get it or you don't. We are DVC members and have 200 points that we have to use by this November and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to use them which means one of 4 things: let them expire, use them, let someone else use them, or rent them. I'm all for using them if I had the money but I don't. I would rent them out but it's just a pain in the ass to go through the process. I would rather just let either a family member or friend use them if I knew anyone who would use the points. However, I don't know anyone would use the points at this point so they may just expire.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Getting the itch to mix...

I have been listening to some old mix tapes that I made a decade or so ago. Has it really been that long since I stopped DJing? I've been getting the itch to go back on the wheels of steel and making some new cds. Of course, the songs I have will be really old but I can make some new mixes of old school dance music. Maybe I can even get G or Brian to consider getting together for a mix day? LOL! Three 40 year-old men in a basement with turntables and records....yeah, that's not happening!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kermit is still around!!!

I found Kermit again while walking the mutts again so I took a few more shots. I guess I have nothing better to do at 2am. This time I used my 580EX Speedlite and he wasn't under my car. I still have a poor low light lens but it is a macro lens so I can get up pretty close. If I find Kermit again tomorrow, I will try to get even closer. Of course, he might be blind from all the flashes by the time I'm done.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kermit the frog

I found this little guy hopping around on my driveway while I was walking one of our mutts. I almost stepped on him because he's so tiny. I thought he was a moth at first until I realized he was hopping and not flying. It is really tough getting a good shot of a moving subject at night when you don't have adequate light or a good low-light lens at 2:30 in the morning. I had to improvise with two maglites and the pop-up flash (I didn't have the time nor the patience to get my 580EX speedlite - not to mention the frog was under my car so the height of the flash would have negated its usefulness). You can click on the pictures for an enlarged view.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Summer is flying by

I cannot believe how fast the Summer is passing. I have another month of Summer school before I get about 3 weeks off before the Fall semester starts. Next week I start my overnight shifts at work until October. I have a lot changes going on the next few weeks and lot of things I need to get done. I'm keeping busy though! Tomorrow, I may even get some yard work done!

School is progressing faster than I anticipated. I'm breezing through the classes and I'm enjoying it. It feels good to be back in school and accomplishing all of the tasks required. With a little more hard work and another year or so, I will have my Web Development degree. Hopefully, a better job will come after that.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Looking for a new TV for the bedroom

Our old 32" tube tv finally kicked the bucket and now I'm looking to get a new tv. I don't really want to spend all that much on it but I also don't want a crappy tv either. I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as I can while still getting a decent tv. The one we have in the family room is great and I want something on par in terms of picture quality but at much less of an expense.

Here are my requirements for the new tv: 1080P, LED, 120Hz refresh rate min., 3 hdmi connections and 40" to 42". We have looked at a few tvs at Sam's Club, and I've researched Amazon and visited Costco as well. I seem to keep finding candidates costing somewhere between $750 to $800 but I was hoping to find something less than $700. Anyone know a place that is less expensive where I don't have to haggle?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Holy hotness!

Today was a record-breaking day for high temperatures throughout most of the Northeast. Newark, NJ recorded a high of 108 degrees while Central Park reached 104. Tomorrow will be extremely hot as well but thankfully the temperatures will drop over the next few days into highs of the low 80's by Monday. Since it was so hot today, I didn't take any pictures. I had no inspirations to take any pictures while at work plus I really don't like the idea of taking pictures at work anyway.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Trees @ WCCC

I finally took some pictures today, although not that many since I was working and had a summer class this evening. I took this picture after class and the inspiration came from Nate D. who asked someone in "The Trees" group to post current pictures of the Tree awhile back on Facebook.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Birthday

Today was my birthday and I had a great time spending it with my family. My wife and kids left me little post-it notes with birthday wishes in various languages such as Klingon, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. I'm not sure that I've found them all yet since they left them all over the house for me to find. I also got to spend some time with my parents as we all went outlet shopping - I know, not exactly a guy's thing to do on a birthday but I really didn't want to do anything anyway and my mom wanted to get the kids stuff. Who am I to deny grandma from indulging the kids?

I wanted to take some pictures today but of course my camera battery was completely dead since I forgot to check my equipment the other day like I was supposed to. Anyway, the battery is now fully charged and I plan on taking pictures as much as I can going forward.

I want to thank all of my friends and family for taking the time to wish me a Happy Birthday either via text or through Facebook. I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me to know people care.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My inspirations for Project WHom 365

The first reason I wanted to create this blog was that I wanted to start using my camera more. Originally, I was just going to post 1 pic from each day from my camera (thank you Autumn Barnes). That would be a noble pursuit but I knew realistically I wouldn't do it for many different reasons I won't bother to bore you with. I figured then that a post per day, no matter what the content, would be easier for me to follow through on. I'm still going to take pictures as much as possible but pictures will not be the only content on this blog. Other content may include essays (thank you Mercxue), Videos of the Week, and whatever else I may think of as this blog progresses. I am open to any suggestions for content!

The second reason for this blog was to enhance my web development skills. Some of you know that I am currently enrolled at Warren County Community College pursuing my Web Development degree. I plan on using this blog to work on just that so while I am currently using just a generic Blogger template right now, I plan on morphing it into something totally different as it progresses.

First Video of the Week on WHom 365!